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Pepper, sweet, red, raw > Vegetables

Pepper, sweet, red, raw : •TEXTE•

Composition for pepper, sweet, red, raw for 100g :


Glucids 5,73 g
Protids 1,00 g
Lipids 0,40 g


Water 90,40 g


Vitamin B1 0,01 mg
Vitamin B2 0,03 mg
B3 vitamin 1,30 mg
B5 vitamin 0,08 mg
Vitamin B6 0,36 mg
B9 vitamin 31,00 µg
Vitamin C 162,00 mg
Vitamin E 0,80 mg


Calcium 8,72 mg
Copper 0,04 mg
Iron 0,40 mg
sodium 6,76 mg
potassium 187,00 mg
magnesium 10,90 mg
Manganese 0,15 mg
Phosphorus 26,70 mg
Selenium 19,20 µg
Zinc 0,14 mg

Pepper, sweet, red, raw : informations

The pepper, sweet, red, raw ingredient has been used 15 times.

Recipes with Pepper, sweet, red, raw

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