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Wheat flour, white, all purpose > Cereals and pasta Farines et amidons

Convert a weight of Wheat flour, white, all purpose to volume

1 liter of Wheat flour, white, all purpose weight 550 g.

100 grams of Wheat flour, white, all purpose = 18 cl.

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Conversions de volumes et poids (masses) d'ingrédients'

Wheat flour, white, all purpose : •TEXTE•

Composition for wheat flour, white, all purpose for 100g :


Glucids 69,30 g
Protids 11,70 g
Lipids 0,80 g


Water 13,90 g


Vitamin B1 0,15 mg
Vitamin B2 0,04 mg
B3 vitamin 1,31 mg
B5 vitamin 0,55 mg
Vitamin B6 0,07 mg
B9 vitamin 16,40 µg
Vitamin B12 0,09 µg
Vitamin E 0,46 mg


Calcium 24,00 mg
Copper -
Iron 0,89 mg
sodium 2,90 mg
potassium 158,00 mg
magnesium 24,80 mg
Manganese 0,60 mg
Phosphorus 106,00 mg
Zinc 0,70 mg

Wheat flour, white, all purpose : informations

The wheat flour, white, all purpose ingredient has been used 1169 times.

Recipes with Wheat flour, white, all purpose

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