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Mackerel, in white wine sauce, canned > Fish and batrachians Produits à base de poissons

Mackerel, in white wine sauce, canned : •TEXTE•

Composition for mackerel, in white wine sauce, canned for 100g :


Glucids -
Protids 18,90 g
Lipids 14,50 g


Water 64,50 g


Vitamin B1 -
Vitamin B2 0,24 mg
B3 vitamin 4,42 mg
B5 vitamin 0,27 mg
Vitamin B6 0,20 mg
Vitamin B12 9,72 µg
Vitamin C -
Vitamin D 5,52 µg
Vitamin E 0,79 mg


Calcium 123,00 mg
Copper -
Iron 1,24 mg
sodium 415,00 mg
potassium 181,00 mg
magnesium 20,10 mg
Manganese -
Phosphorus 112,00 mg
Selenium 30,40 µg
Zinc 1,13 mg

Mackerel, in white wine sauce, canned : informations

The mackerel, in white wine sauce, canned ingredient has not been used yet.
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